Thursday, January 15, 2009

beat of the drum...

There’s a frantic flip through the stations, the worn button under your fingertip. Commercials, one of the top 40’s that’s already becoming worn out and driven into the ground, more commercials.

It’s a back and forth, sort of deal. And suddenly, a favorite speaks through the speakers; an oldie but goodie no doubt.

Clear your mind. Let the lyrics consume you. The beat pulses through your body like a drug; a sort of good addiction. Feel it in your hips, sway your body. Arms waving in the air, head bobbing. A perpetual groove, as your body is set in motion.
An elbow meets the window. Knees smash into the steering wheel.

A yelp of pain.

Back to reality……

1 comment:

Matt Johnson said...

Haha, I can totally picture this happening