Friday, January 30, 2009

Computers Will Be the End of Us

I'm convinced that technology will in fact ruin the world. We were sitting in anatomy yesterday and one of the slides involved the development of actual brain inplants. Now weighing your pros and cons, the implants would indeed help out many affected with certain misfortunes. The chips would be remote controlled, being that a person with paralysis could actually control a prosthetic limb and be able to move around instead of being forced to depend on someone else as means of motorization.

However, like any other theory, these impants can indeed be misused, and I'm pretty convinced that in time, they will be. Scientists have stated that in time, these implants should be implanted in each individual, causing a peaceful environment. Yeah, cause that's what we're on earth for--to be hooked up to a computer and let the government control one more thing...

I was completely flabbergasted! An episode of 60 Minutes a while back actually showed the ability to read minds via a PET scan. Although at the moment, it's not quite advanced, thank god for that. Again, weighing the pros, it's definately resourceful in the fact that we'd be able to administer thorough interrogation techniques. Put the criminal in the machine and bam! You'll know who's a terrorist and who isn't. Lord, give it time and we'll be hauling our children off to see who broke Grandma Agatha's crystal vase!

Just think about it, people go stir crazy and act like the end of the world when we're out of power for 2 days max! Cell phones have become lifelines, and I can't study for my addiction of Facebook!! Everything's going digital, people are spending hundreds on blackberrys, and they actually laugh when I say I have dial-up!

It's scary to think that we're becoming so dependent that our children won't know how to opperate even the simplest of things. Banking, hospital and school records, every single piece of confidentiality is stored on hard drive after hard drive!

It's miserable to think that with one trained hacker and every bit of government intelligence can be transfered with the click of a few buttons.

The way I see it, leave things alone for a while.
If not, it will be the end of us...

1 comment:

Matt Johnson said...

I just love your optimism