Friday, January 30, 2009

Computers Will Be the End of Us

I'm convinced that technology will in fact ruin the world. We were sitting in anatomy yesterday and one of the slides involved the development of actual brain inplants. Now weighing your pros and cons, the implants would indeed help out many affected with certain misfortunes. The chips would be remote controlled, being that a person with paralysis could actually control a prosthetic limb and be able to move around instead of being forced to depend on someone else as means of motorization.

However, like any other theory, these impants can indeed be misused, and I'm pretty convinced that in time, they will be. Scientists have stated that in time, these implants should be implanted in each individual, causing a peaceful environment. Yeah, cause that's what we're on earth for--to be hooked up to a computer and let the government control one more thing...

I was completely flabbergasted! An episode of 60 Minutes a while back actually showed the ability to read minds via a PET scan. Although at the moment, it's not quite advanced, thank god for that. Again, weighing the pros, it's definately resourceful in the fact that we'd be able to administer thorough interrogation techniques. Put the criminal in the machine and bam! You'll know who's a terrorist and who isn't. Lord, give it time and we'll be hauling our children off to see who broke Grandma Agatha's crystal vase!

Just think about it, people go stir crazy and act like the end of the world when we're out of power for 2 days max! Cell phones have become lifelines, and I can't study for my addiction of Facebook!! Everything's going digital, people are spending hundreds on blackberrys, and they actually laugh when I say I have dial-up!

It's scary to think that we're becoming so dependent that our children won't know how to opperate even the simplest of things. Banking, hospital and school records, every single piece of confidentiality is stored on hard drive after hard drive!

It's miserable to think that with one trained hacker and every bit of government intelligence can be transfered with the click of a few buttons.

The way I see it, leave things alone for a while.
If not, it will be the end of us...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

beat of the drum...

There’s a frantic flip through the stations, the worn button under your fingertip. Commercials, one of the top 40’s that’s already becoming worn out and driven into the ground, more commercials.

It’s a back and forth, sort of deal. And suddenly, a favorite speaks through the speakers; an oldie but goodie no doubt.

Clear your mind. Let the lyrics consume you. The beat pulses through your body like a drug; a sort of good addiction. Feel it in your hips, sway your body. Arms waving in the air, head bobbing. A perpetual groove, as your body is set in motion.
An elbow meets the window. Knees smash into the steering wheel.

A yelp of pain.

Back to reality……

Hope For the Best, Expect the Worst

Things happen in our lives that make us question everything around us. As the days drag on, we must face our fears, and conquer our troubles. Death becomes repetitive. You’re thankful that it doesn’t hit extremely close to home, but it doesn’t make it any easier. And so there’s a constant ache just because you can’t seem to comfort those that it did creep up on. As humans we find different sources that help us cope, different ways that allow us to grieve.

Pain plays with the insecurities. Physically, there’s so much hurt, and the only relief is to live the next few years with objects that diminish what little self esteem you seem to have.
The stress consumes you, it’s almost helpless. That’s how you feel anyway. It’s almost a look for pity, although it’s not exactly the best thing needed. Life becomes a black hole, like all sense of happiness is being sucked away.

And there’s things you don’t want to talk about. Because even though you’ve tried, you’re lost for what can be done to wrap it under control.

There’s that saying, “You’re old enough for your wants not to hurt you.” Well what if you don’t get even a piece of anything you want? Or what if your biggest fears entail never getting the one thing you’ve always wanted?

And so it begins. The familiar feeling, as they trickle down your cheeks. But even so, you remind yourself of all the things you do have that we all seem to take for granted. For the time being, you push the negativity to the back of your mind and the only thing you have left to hold onto floods to the surface; hope.

You remind yourself that there are others that have it a lot worse. We live in a world of freedom. And although the luxuries may be limited compared to many, they’re there nonetheless. There’s a computer to type and post even the deepest of thoughts when time permits. The ability to see the beauty in others, to hear the belting lyrics of emotion, or even to feel the wind whip through your hair as the car speeds down the open highway.

You take a deep breath, and go about your day. The only thing that keeps you going is the little things that you run into. Your favorite song on the radio, the chance to laugh until you cry, the simplest of circumstances.

And one by one, things come crashing down once again. You cry yourself to sleep on the loneliest of nights and wish for it all to be okay. And slowly you find yourself losing hope. It gets harder to pick yourself back up. Because in the back of your head, if your life starts to even remotely get easier, in the back of your mind, your hearts still weeping, it fears that nothing good ever lasts for long.

If Only School Were Out For Summer...

December 12, 2008

I got to sleep in this morning. Then ended up in a mad rush, on the cramped interstate, to find myself getting off 5 exits before the one that would actually take me, to my destination. Tractor trailer flipped over, and so I had to bob and weave through the different stop lights, and use some back roads before I jumped on the infamous 95 S.

Courteous as I always am, even when I had the right of way, I let some dude in front of me in the parking deck to find myself on the 6th floor searching frantically for any spot to put my over 900,000 miles, piece of shit, to rest as I suffered through the class that I knew would be the death of me.

I found one, last one in the parking deck—wouldn’t have been that way if they hadn’t blocked off a whole floor with cones for some odd reason. So I wandered around the halls trying to find my itty-bitty classroom (sigh-I’m claustrophobic) that was actually full from another class. I’m impatient and I like to have my time in my seat in my class before the teacher comes in with lessons.

The class cleared out and we piled in what looked like a closet in the middle of one of the hallways. Then walked the teacher, and I sucked in my breath a little. Math class-yuck. I’d rather have a root canal (haha) And his monotone drone filled that little classroom.
Fractions, decimals, equations, conversions, the metric system, etc. Basic math and total hell for me.

Agh.. I’ll get through it, I have to. If I want to be a nurse I have to be good at these things. I cant be giving a patient too many drugs, now can I?!
Ooh my troubles weren’t over just yet. I got to spend some quality time with bunch of interesting fellow students in the campus bookstore that was indeed hotter than blue blazes. As if it wasn’t bad enough that I had to wait 45 minutes to purchase two really expensive textbooks, I had to witness a bunch of people buying portable cd players, and toy-like items WITH THEIR FINANCIAL AID.

And the government says that my parents make to much to help out. Well then tell me please, where’s this money?

Back to Anatomy hell tomorrow.

But I get to sleep in :)