I must say that Home Alone 2 is by far the best Christmas video--EVER! Okay, there's a draw between Garfield's Christmas, Home Alone 2 and Dont Shoot Your Eye Out Ralphie, but still... I mean, the clown in the shower is classic and "I'm gonna give you to the count of three to get your lousy, lyin', low-down, four flushing carcass OUT my door! 1... 2... " that's just badass!
Everywhere you go, people tell you to watch out for deer at night...well not everywhere you go, but I guarentee you've heard it in your life. In Louisa County you have to worry about deer, but I never thought the day would come that Id tell you to watch out for cows! Yes that's right folks, I was drivin the big daddy truck yesterday, blarin my Johnny Cash when outta nowhere there's a big burly cow! Steak anyone?
Ooh yeah, and one time I was worried about hitting an Ostrich....Josh never freakin saw it! It just so happened, it turned into a sign when I got close to it! hmmm....Eye doctor please!
I bought my first two Christmas presents for the year. I bought Jess a tree. Its the giving tree, okay? And Brittany got some tweezers! Mwhahahhha! ...and you think Im kidding! I had to spend my dining dollars somehow, or else they'd go to waste! I got Chinese bowls for the bro and daddy-o. Momma is getting some diet pepsi and Matthew is getting chips! Ooh yeah, and I sent some chips and gum with Jessica too!
I really wanted to get a horde of Hobo's together and take 'em on into Shafer with me! ...somehow I dont think that would've gone over too well!
But instead, I just treated the girls to lunch. I even bought them cookies. My idea of a perfect chocolate cookie, is to be chipless! I just want the cookie, not the chocolate. So I picked out the M&Ms.
Merry Christmas you Filthy Animal!
1 comment:
And those chips and dips were delcious
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