Thursday, December 4, 2008

Treat Others with the Respect That You'd Like to be Treated With...

We’ve been giving presentations in my ethics class for the last few weeks. Six groups--50 minute presentations each, well, it’s definitely taking a lot of time. There’s a few girls that sit in the back of the room and constantly talk during each presentation. Manners are definitely a big deal to me, but as usual, when something bothers me, I simply brush it off and get on with more important things.

Well it just so happens that today was their turn to present.
Global Warming. Wow. Definitely a tough subject, as were everyone else’s topic: Death Penalty, Euthanasia, Animal Rights, just to name a few.

They began their presentation. Wait, what’s that I hear? Silence from the back of the room. No talking, no eye rolling, no cackling. Silence. Everyone’s eyes were on the speakers--as it should be.

The girls went through their facts--half assed. Although I can’t say anything; we put our project together in 2 days. Yet in my defense, we only had 2 days (not 3 weeks like everyone else) and we went first. Be lenient. Towards the end of the project, they showed pictures of different landscapes a few years ago, and now.

Their argument was that Global Warming did exist. The pictures showed Mountains from 1999 covered in snow, and the same mountain chain last year--without snow. An older gentleman who presented on Tuesday flashed a little smirk, flipped his laptop around and remarked, “Mount [insert real name here--I cant remember] as of this year.” Yes my folks, covered in snow. The pictures they’d presented were taken in different parts of the day--you couldn’t see the snow in their more current picture because it was too dark.

And the attitudes once again began to rise. Girlfriend #1 exclaimed, “And your point is?” The older gentleman claimed, “I’m trying to figure out what ya’ll are trying to present!” BURRRNNNN!

…What goes around, comes around. At least, in one shape or another.