I find myself thinking about thinking, because the truth is, I have nothing important to say anymore. There’s all these thoughts just cooped in my head and I cant find words or ways to express them. I find that all my inspiration flows at bedtime right before I doze off to sleep. I tried keeping a pad of paper beside my bed once, before I could write it all, I forgot my thoughts. Damn memory of mine!
Then things come out all random and such. Because slowly, I remember certain pieces to those previous thoughts and have to get them out in the open before I forget them again.
I stick to routine, I prefer it that way. Its less confusing. For instance, I sit in the same seat in every class. Don’t ask why, there’s nothing special about that certain seat, but it’s mine. Its pretty simple, you sit in my seat, I beat your ass. Okay? No but seriously, there’s some days where I run slightly late for class and they’ll be that certain person in your seat. You know what Im talking about it. If you’re anything like me, all it takes is for someone to sit in YOUR seat and well…the whole day is messed up. You politely sit somewhere else, but for the whole entire class period, you remember nothing about the lesson except for one certain thing: that bastard is in my seat! You look at the professor and for some un-apparent reason, your eyes wander back to that person in your seat! Urgh!
But even still, sometimes I like those sudden spur of the moment activities that make you laugh for hours the next day. I once saw two movies in the same day. You just cant believe how excited I was about it. Or playing with Frisbees at Fredericksburg Mall, so what if Josh hit a car? It made it even better when the person who owned the car came out of the store right as he hit it.
Or walking 2 miles to Belle Isle at 9:30 on a Wednesday night and feeling the squishy soft grass between your toes. Yeah, its those nights that mean the world. Or staying up till the AM with some booze in hand singing at the top of our lungs to bluegrass and country music, well that’s probably my favorite.
I miss riding around Short Pump wasting gas, and laughing at the rednecks at Arbys in Josh's little Honda. God knows we cant do that anymore, gas is what? Almost $4.00 a gallon?? Or going to the Food Lion just to get Cheese Cake or Bagle Bites. And buying a whole chicken, making some mashed potatoes, paper plates and flavored water just to eat at the lake before a day of tanning, its simply wonderful.
I want to take a random trip to somewhere special. There shouldn’t be much money involved. Pack a pair of pajamas, toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, soap, change of clothes and a camera. And off you travel into the horizon for a day, couple hours, maybe a weekend.
.....so take my hand and take me somewhere. Somewhere I've never been, somewhere that'll make me smile from ear to ear, and plumps up my heart with warm fuzzies.
I love putting on my rainboots and jumping in mudpudles, Ginger Ale, black labs and singing. I crave laughter, the kind that makes your stomach hurt. And babies. I want one. It sounds totally weird but I want to be done with school, and have a job! I want the truly, madly, deeply in love stage of my life, a hubby, a house of my own (with big windows and a front porch with rockin chairs) and babies.
I think I can help you with your baby problem...so you did enjoy that day when we saw Grindhouse and Blades of Glory all in one day I knew it!
thats my fingaaas!! love it!
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