Monday, February 4, 2008

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

Its getting warmer, it makes me slack just a little more. I drove Sunday, first time in a while, when I could actually feel the sunshine. I just cruised, radio blaring, screaming at the top of my lungs, with three windows down (as we all know, driver side is still broken) and the wind whippin my hair around. What a tangled mess.

Summer is a step closer. I want to reach out and grab it, but there's stuff keeping me from just that--freakin school. Freakin city. I had a bad day again.

Although, dinner is become pretty amazing. Of course, the food is still disgusting beyond tasting, but the company is great. We're currently planning a trip to NY. Spring break, get here soon!

Im excited for my longwood visit, and time with my bestest. There's no telling what we'll find to get into! Any place is better than here. Miss Doom and Gloom? Maybe. I wont deny it. I just yearn for the sunshine on my face again, the peaceful naps on the dock, and the insanely wonderful that I was once given.

I'm supposed to be studying. Why bother in this loud dormroom, apparantly we have rats. So let's see, I dont sleep. The food isnt even remotely healthy and now we've got rats. Niiiccce, and how much money am I paying to live in hell?

Andi and I had lunch today. We were talking about life and sluts and just everything and she left me with a quote that her boytoy always says--"Hope for the best, expect the worst" That's how I live my life. You think it's negative, I think it prepares the heart for letdowns.

Again, this is strictly PMS. Laughter and random will soonly return..I hope ;)


Matt Johnson said...

Things will get better....are you going to NY without me??

no_promises said...

i love you ember franklin!!! all i can say right now is that make it through this week and it will look a little better. today just teased me. giving me a piece of that summer we all like. the lake, bbq, and the favs. what are you doing tomorrow? you want to do breakfast? around 9 or 9:30?