Sunday, November 18, 2007

Add a Little Humor to Your Day

No matter the pain, no matter the tears, no matter the misery, if you allow yourself, you'll always find atleast an ounce of happiness. If you open your heart, you'll be surprised at how often you can laugh on a regular basis. I guess Im lucky, I find humor it well...just about everything--especially in a quiet room when you're supposed to be serious.

There's probably something totally random that makes me laugh each and everyday. Some are very clear in my mind, others have faded, but you can rest assure that they were influential moments in my life :)


The clock finally reached dismissal. It was chilly and I reached to grab my coat. I stuck my right arm in and was bending my left to put it on. CJ was sitting in the seat beside me beant over stuffing his folders in his bookbag--he was eager to leave that place too! Well, about the time that I bent my arm, he sat straight up and BAM! I elbowed him right on the top of his bald head! You may think it's just an accident, worth forgiving (stunned, he just laughed) but for me, it was what I call a CLASSIC THREE STOOGES MOMENT!

We helped my cousin move into her house. Mom was cleaning out the bathroom cabinet and BERRMPH! Momma blew the air horn right in Jaimies ear. Who keeps an air horn in the bathroom? You try rushing to get things packed up and have the shit scared outta ya!

My family has a need to get to everything about an hour early, so we piled into the mini-van, windows tatted up with green and gold paint. We watched the first championship game...heck yeah, we cheered for the moutain boys! I even got a pom pom! Our Lions finally walked across the field with their mohawks and it made me smile. The game got intense and there was a fellow Amherst-er a few seats below mine. I'm always proud of my Lions, but on that particular day, I was the proudest. The crowd went wild and I put some elbow grease into ringin my cowbell! BLING..I musta been wavin it wayyy too hard cause it flew right down and hit the seat beside that Amherst bastard...needless to say, he picked his scrawny ass up and moved!

I was sitting on the bed entranced into my tv program when Caleb busted through the door. The look on his face was pure agony...he was crying! ...Dumbass got a marble stuck in his belly button. .....that's a classic GET THE CRISCO OUT AND GREASE THAT SUCKER moment!

It was the crack of dawn as I sat in math class. The teacher was at the chalkboard solving a problem and the class sat head-in-hand taking turns staring at the clock. And low and behold, the smell of coconut filled the air. I leaned over to my neighbor and whispered in his ear, "You smell like Malibu Rum!" It wasnt the statement that was funny, it was his expression! He laughed so hard as he put his cocoa butter back in his bag. ...haha, he prolly thinks Im a total Alchy!

In the olden days, they made babydolls that you could actually feed. You’d put water in their bottle, put the bottle to their lips and wait. Within a couple minutes, the baby would “pee”…the diaper had a color changing thing so when the water leaked outta the baby, it was yellow. …well I was sitting in Babaw’s living room and Becca gave the baby hot sauce. Within minutes, her little sister checked the diaper and it was full of well…Becca was into some Hot Shit!

Sometimes they call me Betty Crocker cause if I love you, you're getting a cake for you birthday. Well, it was mid-December of last year and boredom struck. I got out the industrial sized blender, added a little of this and a little of that and wahlah! A Garlic Cake!

Sometimes you gotta just dance! Shakin your groove thing in the car is one of my favorites. Lacey and I sat at a stop light and started shuckin and jivin! An image out of the corner of my eye made me instantly look over at the car beside us. It was an older gentlemen and his daughter...they were dancin pretty funky and pointing. It was dance-off in the parkin lot! I swear we kicked their asses!

1 comment:

Matt Johnson said...

MMMMM A garlic cake sounds good