Thanksgiving has come and gone and I'll miss it. This year was different. I'll hold onto this Thanksgiving like none other. The separation from my friends has been unbearable so I've counted down the days till I got to see them again.
Then it came, Gholson residence, a little wine and some spaghetti and well...life just seemed close to perfect sitting at that kitchen table with an oven mit on my hand laughing at everyone and talkin it up with the parental units...even if I did wake up with a headache this morning :)
Aunt B won the turkey playing Bingo, but was too excited and forgot to make the mashed potatoes. Momma made macaroni but the baby told her it was too dry, my aunt scrambled the chocolate chess and Wally made an Apple pie without sugar.
I learned that Sweet potatoes are supposed to increase your sex drive, when the cousins sit beside you and get real quiet, it's because they've dropped the bomb and trapped you in the corner with no room to escape...the poor baby ended up calling the Shit Squad to come arrest her!--yes, that's how stinky it was!
The break will be with me always, for I hold on way too tightly..and I have pictures to keep the thoughts alive. But through the happiness and through the laughs, I found some tears along the way.
Im just sick of defending, sick of pretending, sick of hiding....sometimes it just doesnt make sense. I guess that's just it, life doesnt make sense...NEVER!
So I've decided:
....speak your heart. Dont worry about the embarrassment. You might be surprised by the outcome.And if it doesnt work out like you want it. I guarentee the person that you're telling, will make it alright, somehow.